AmigActive 23
AACD 23.iso
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325 lines
# Room drums
drumset 8
41 gsdrum08/roomlow2.pat
43 gsdrum08/roomlow1.pat
45 gsdrum08/roommid2.pat
47 gsdrum08/roommid1.pat
48 gsdrum08/roomhi2.pat
50 gsdrum08/roomhi1.pat
# ???
drumset 9
36 power/roomkick.pat
# ???
drumset 15
36 power/powrkic0.pat amp=150
38 power/gatesd0.pat
# Power
drumset 16
#35 power/h-bd amp=150
#35 power/powrkic2 amp=150
35 power/powrkic3.pat amp=150 note=35
#35 power/gatedbd amp=150
#36 power/h-bd amp=150
36 power/powrkic1.pat amp=150
37 power/h-rim.pat
38 power/gatesd1.pat
40 power/h-snare.pat note=38
#40 power/gatesd2
#41 power/h-tomlo2
#42 power/h-hihatc.pat
#43 power/h-tomlo1
#44 power/h-hihatp.pat
#45 power/h-tommd2
#46 power/h-hihato.pat
#47 power/h-tommd1.pat
#48 power/h-tomhi2.pat
#49 power/h-crash.pat
#50 power/h-tomhi1.pat
#51 power/h-ride.pat
#55 power/h-splash.pat
#41 tomlo2 amp=50
#43 tomlo1 amp=50
#45 tommid2 amp=50
#47 tommid1.pat amp=50
#48 tomhi2.pat amp=50
#50 tomhi1.pat amp=50
# ???
drumset 17
#36 power/powrkic2 amp=150
#36 release/kick2.pat
38 kick2.pat
38 power/gatesd1.pat
# ???
drumset 18
36 power/powrkic3.pat
38 power/gatesd2.pat
# Electric Drums
drumset 24
# these really don't sound very good, so I commented them all out
## 35 wime/wimebd.pat amp=130 note=40
## 36 wime/wimebd.pat amp=130 note=40
# Elec snare
## 38 highq.pat note=35
## 38 snare1.pat amp=80
# 38 wime/wimesd.pat
## 40 toms.pat note=65
# 41 syntom.pat note=50 amp=80
# 43 syntom.pat note=53 amp=80
# 45 syntom.pat note=59 amp=80
# 47 syntom.pat note=62 amp=80
# 48 syntom.pat note=68 amp=80
# 50 syntom.pat note=71 amp=80
# Analog, TR808/909
drumset 25
#30 gsdrum25/revchirp
30 gsdrum25/scratch amp=66
#30 gsdrum25/fret2
#35 gsdrum25/808bd1
#35 gsdrum25/808kick.pat
35 gsdrum25/909kick note=36
#35 gsdrum25/78kick
36 gsdrum25/808bd2.pat
#36 gsdrum25/808kick
37 gsdrum25/808stick.pat
#38 gsdrum25/808sd1
38 gsdrum25/808snare.pat
#39 gsdrum25/808clap1.pat
39 gsdrum25/808clap2.pat
#40 gsdrum25/808sd2
#40 gsdrum25/808snar2.pat
40 gsdrum25/909snare.pat
41 gsdrum25/808tomh2.pat
#42 gsdrum25/909hhc
#42 gsdrum25/78hhc
42 gsdrum25/808hhc.pat
43 gsdrum25/808tomh1.pat
45 gsdrum25/808tomm2.pat
#46 gsdrum25/909hho
#46 gsdrum25/78hho
46 gsdrum25/808hho.pat
47 gsdrum25/808tomm1.pat
48 gsdrum25/808tomh2.pat
49 gsdrum25/808crsh1.pat
50 gsdrum25/808tomh1.pat
53 gsdrum25/808cymb.pat
56 gsdrum25/808cowbl.pat note=42 amp=30
# Brush drums
drumset 40
38 gsdrum40/br_swish.pat amp=70
39 gsdrum40/br_slap.pat
40 gsdrum40/br_swirl.pat amp=70
42 gsdrum40/hihatcl.pat amp=70
46 gsdrum40/hihatop.pat amp=70
# Orchestral patches
drumset 48
# this mapping is correct from the specs, but I'm not sure of the note=
# assignments
27 hihatcl note=42
28 hihatpd note=44
29 hihatop note=46
30 cymride1 note=51
39 castinet note=85
41 timpani note=41
42 timpani note=42
43 timpani note=43
44 timpani note=44
45 timpani note=45
46 timpani note=46
47 timpani note=47
48 timpani note=48
49 timpani note=49
50 timpani note=50
51 timpani note=51
52 timpani note=52
53 timpani note=53
88 applause
#[Roland SC-88 Ethnic Set]
drumset 49
# I have no idea what a lot of these instruments sound like, so these are a
# lot of guesses. Some of the normal drums need to have new note values set,
# since they may be pitched diferently than normal. I know that some of the
# drum assignments sound like they are supposed to, but others are sure to be
# off, like some of the toms and bongos, etc..
25 claps note=39
26 tamborin note=54
27 canstinet note=85
28 cymcrsh1 note=49
29 snare2 note=40 keep=loop keep=env
30 snare2 note=40
31 cymcrsh2 note=57
32 kick1 note=35
33 jingles note=92
34 belltree note=84 keep=loop keep=env
35 belltree note=84 keep=loop keep=env
36 tommid1 note=47
37 stickrim note=37
38 tommid1 note=47
39 tommid1 note=47
40 tommid1 note=47
41 tommid1 note=47
42 congahi2 note=63
43 congalo note=64
44 tommid1 note=47
45 cymchina note=52
46 cymchina note=52
47 cymchina note=52
48 cymchina note=52
49 cymchina note=52
50 cymchina note=52
51 tommid1 note=47
52 tommid1 note=47
53 slap note=28
54 congalo note=64
55 congalo note=64
56 congalo note=64
57 congalo note=64
58 congalo note=64
59 congalo note=64
60 congalo note=64
61 congalo note=64
62 ethnic/talkdrum note=64
63 ethnic/talkbend note=51
64 congalo note=64
65 tommid1 note=47
66 stickrim note=37
67 timbalel note=66
68 timbalel note=66
69 timbaleh note=65
70 cowbell note=56
71 bongohi note=60
72 bongolo note=61
73 congahi1 note=62
74 congahi2 note=63
75 congalo note=64
76 congalo note=64
77 congalo note=64
78 congalo note=64
79 surdo2 note=87
80 surdo1 note=86
81 surdo2 note=87
82 surdo1 note=86
83 tamborin note=54
84 agogohi note=67
85 agogolo note=68
86 shaker note=82
87 whistle1 note=71 keep=loop keep=env
88 whistle2 note=72 keep=loop keep=env
89 cuica1 note=78
90 cuica2 note=79
91 triangl1 note=80
92 triangl2 note=81
93 guiro1 note=73
94 guiro2 note=74
95 cabasa note=69
96 cabasa note=69
97 clave note=75
98 woodblk1 note=76
99 woodblk2 note=77
# Roland SC-88 Kick & Snare Set
drumset 50
40 kick1 note=35
41 kick2 note=36
42 kick1 note=35
43 kick2 note=36
44 kick1 note=35
45 kick2 note=36
46 kick2 note=36
47 kick1 note=35
48 kick2 note=36
49 kick2 note=36
50 kick1 note=35
51 power/roomkick note=36
52 power/powrkic1.pat amp=150 note=35
53 power/powrkic3.pat amp=150 note=35
54 kick2 note=36
55 kick1 note=35
56 kick1 note=35
57 gsdrum25/808bd2.pat note=36
# 57 gsdrum25/808kick.pat note=36
58 gsdrum25/909kick.pat note=36
59 kick1 note=35
60 snare1 note=38
61 snare2 note=40
62 snare1 note=38
63 snare2 note=40
64 snare2 note=40
65 snare1 note=38
66 snare1 note=38
67 snare2 note=40
68 snare1 note=38
69 snare2 note=40
70 power/gatesd1 note=38
71 power/h-snare note=38
72 power/gatesd2 note=38
73 snare1 note=38
74 snare2 note=40
75 snare1 note=38
76 snare2 note=40
77 snare1 note=38
78 snare1 note=38
79 snare2 note=40
80 gsdrum25/808snare note=38
81 gsdrum25/808snar2 note=40
82 gsdrum25/909snare note=38
83 gsdrum25/808snar2 note=40
84 gsdrum40/br_swish note=38
85 gsdrum40/br_swish note=38
86 gsdrum40/br_slap note=39
87 gsdrum40/br_slap note=39
88 gsdrum40/br_slap note=39
89 gsdrum40/br_swirl note=40
90 gsdrum40/br_swirl note=40
91 gsdrum40/br_swirl note=40
# ???
drumset 53
55 wime/wimebd.pat
57 wime/wimebd.pat
62 wime/wimebd.pat